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The Book of Life is an interview-format podcast about Jewish kidlit, mostly, with occasional coverage of YA/adult books, music, film and web,  established in December 2005. Host Heidi Rabinowitz is a Judaica librarian at Congregation B'nai Israel of Boca Raton, FL, and the podcast reveals the backstory of materials that might be found in a synagogue library like Heidi's. As director of the Feldman Children's Library at B'nai Israel, Heidi focuses on material aimed at youth, but the podcast does cover a range of subject matter for all ages. If you are a creator of Jewish books, music, film, or web content, please see our submission guidelines.

Nov 4, 2007

The Book of Life is a monthly podcast about Jewish books, music, film and web at In this episode we celebrate traditional radio and the new media revolution of podcasting and blogging that was born from it. We interview Harold Augenbraum, director of the National Book Foundation, about the Foundation's choice of Terry Gross, host of NPR's Fresh Air, for this 2007 Literarian Award. We talk to David & Susan Siegel about the history of Jews in radio. They are the authors of Radio and the Jews: The Untold Story of How Radio Influenced America's Image of Jews, 1920's - 1950's. We meet literary blogger and synagogue librarian Marie Cloutier at the Podcast & New Media Expo. Marie's blog can be read at Be sure to check back later in November 2007 for our Thanksgiving Special podcast! Links to more info on all interviewees can be found at The Book of Life website at