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The Book of Life is an interview-format podcast about Jewish kidlit, mostly, with occasional coverage of YA/adult books, music, film and web,  established in December 2005. Host Heidi Rabinowitz is a Judaica librarian at Congregation B'nai Israel of Boca Raton, FL, and the podcast reveals the backstory of materials that might be found in a synagogue library like Heidi's. As director of the Feldman Children's Library at B'nai Israel, Heidi focuses on material aimed at youth, but the podcast does cover a range of subject matter for all ages. If you are a creator of Jewish books, music, film, or web content, please see our submission guidelines.

Aug 19, 2009

Why be social? To add a Jewish point of view to the social media landscape! Blogger and podcaster Mark Blevis joins Heidi to talk about what it means to participate in life online.

Aug 19, 2009

Why Be Social? To add a Jewish point of view to the social media landscape! Alx Block of the Jewish Publication Society weighs in with a list of Jewish-content blogs and podcasts.

Aug 19, 2009

Why be social? To add a Jewish point of view to the social media landscape! Attendees at the Association of Jewish Libraries convention come up with their own definitions of "blog" and "podcast."

Aug 19, 2009

Why Be Social? To add a Jewish point of view to the social media landscape! Part 1 in the Why Be Social series considers the philosophical aspects of technology in our lives, during a breakfast chat at the Association of Jewish Libraries 2009 convention.

Aug 5, 2009

Interviews with publishers and authors, from the show floor at Book Expo America 2009. This episode highlights Jewish books for kids and teens.