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The Book of Life is an interview-format podcast about Jewish kidlit, mostly, with occasional coverage of YA/adult books, music, film and web,  established in December 2005. Host Heidi Rabinowitz is a Judaica librarian at Congregation B'nai Israel of Boca Raton, FL, and the podcast reveals the backstory of materials that might be found in a synagogue library like Heidi's. As director of the Feldman Children's Library at B'nai Israel, Heidi focuses on material aimed at youth, but the podcast does cover a range of subject matter for all ages. If you are a creator of Jewish books, music, film, or web content, please see our submission guidelines.

Apr 30, 2017

An interview with Marjorie Ingall about her parenting guide Mamaleh Knows Best: What Jewish Mothers Do to Raise Successful, Creative, Empathetic, Independent Children.

Apr 25, 2017

An interview with author Keith Fentonmiller about his weird and wonderful Jewish novel Kasper Mutzenmacher's Cursed Hat. Remember to donate to to get an autographed copy of Serendipity's Footsteps!

Apr 18, 2017

An interview with Suzanne Nelson about her shoe-related Jewish award winning YA novel. Donate to to get an autographed copy!

Apr 3, 2017

Rabbi Moshe Rosenberg tells us about his creation of a Harry Potter themed Haggadah for Passover.